What the blog??

This blog is a textual account of my triumphs and struggles in daily life. I've discovered the core of who I am, now is my chance to discover the vital pieces that make up that core. If you know me well enough, I invite you to leave comments. These may be words of encouragement, observations, memories, Bible verses, or whatever else you deem necessary. I'm always open to hearing what my loved ones have to say.


Happy Birthday To Me

Thanks to everyone who remembered my birthday and made it a really good day for me! There was an exciting development and I'm really ready to see what becomes of it! I guess it's a good thing I wasn't totally withdrawn all day.

Oh, and here's something interesting that apparently only mothers can appreciate. Jesse got her first shots today and both my mom and sister broke down crying...

Why would this make you cry? They didn't cry when I was cutting her fingernails and I accidentally pinched her finger. She sure did throw a fit for about an hour and I didn't see anyone breaking down over that. Getting immunized serves an actual purpose...having your (favorite) aunt almost end your life with nail clippers is much more traumatic and worthy of tears from Mom and Grammy! I guess we just prefer it when she is so sweet and adorable...which is at least 1/4 of the time!


  • At 7/29/2005 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Birthday Afton!!!!! I promise your gift is on the way, I have had it for about 2 months, but have been lazy getting over to the post office. Hope you had a wonderful day!!!
    love you

  • At 8/03/2005 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    aheeem, DEAR AFTON MARIE:
    this comment is simply to state 2 very important facts, 1. that baby is pretty damn cute, and 2. you are my HERO <3



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