What the blog??

This blog is a textual account of my triumphs and struggles in daily life. I've discovered the core of who I am, now is my chance to discover the vital pieces that make up that core. If you know me well enough, I invite you to leave comments. These may be words of encouragement, observations, memories, Bible verses, or whatever else you deem necessary. I'm always open to hearing what my loved ones have to say.


How do you know when you're not over him...

When you can't go through a single day without thinking about him?
When it breaks your heart to erase that last voicemail?
When he is the first person you think of when you have good news to share?
When you want to hear his voice and feel his arms around you?
When "what if" replaces what is?
When you can't sleep because memories continuously replay in your head?
When you send unhealthy and codependent messages just to get any reply?
When you long for his smell?
When you ache for his laugh?
When every love song is about him, every angry song, every slow song, every fast song?
When you see him around countless corners?
When you look for him everywhere?
When you hold your pillow at night wishing it was him?


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